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Happy face

66.7 %

Neutral face

0.0 %

Sad face

33.3 %

The 18 last feedbacks

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The Team

Great 66.7%
Okay 0.0%
Bad 33.3%
Great 50.0%
Okay 0.0%
Bad 50.0%
Momen AlShammat
Momen AlShammat
Not rated yet
Eng Moris
Eng Moris
Great 100.0%
Okay 0.0%
Bad 0.0%
Abed (AR-EN)
Abed (AR-EN)
Not rated yet
Walid (عربي)
Walid (عربي)
Great 0.0%
Okay 0.0%
Bad 100.0%